Tag Archives: babies

The princess and the monster

10 Jan

The other day Bea asked us for a new “fairy princess” dress. She’s really into fairy princesses right now, really into them. I remembered seeing some on super clearance so we said yes – of course they didn’t have any more left and we had to go somewhere else…


We ended up at old navy and found this skirt. This picture does not show how truly neon it is, it’s like a highlighter. Bea paired it with this top we found a target – I think it’s old lady but she loves these old lady blouses and asks for them a lot when she sees them. Anyway, the skirt was on super clearance for $1 and I’m sad there weren’t more colors, although this color probably explains why it was the only one left.

Because we picked up something for Bea, we had to get something for Lucien to not make him jealous. I found this super cute hoodie – the kind that makes a monster, or crocodile according to Lucien, when you put up the hood. He loves it and does not want to take it off. He will only wear it with the hood up and say “don’t look at me or I’ll bite you!” then he runs over and fake bites us. Apparently yesterday he did this and literally passed out:


He was at my feet and I thought he was faking when it got a little too quiet! Ha ha!! I guess it’s hard work being a crocodile monster!


19 Sep

I know I mentioned that the babies are now taking swim classes – which is still going well. Bea and Lucien swam on their own last time! Yay!

We also signed them up for soccer. They love that too. I think Lucien just really likes running around. Bea on the other hand is super shy but when they were doing races, she was the only girl, and was the fastest but when some boy pulled ahead of her at the last second – he arm went up to body slam him. She didn’t let him win the next time…okay, Miss Competitive, calm down, you’re three!

Anyway, we bought a soccer ball and have been taking them to play soccer on the field at my husband’s campus. They love that! Little kids running around randomly kicking soccer balls is so cute!

Here are some pictures, note that in one of them Bea is wearing a skirt to play soccer – as a friend of mine said, one must never sacrifice fashion for functionality. Ha ha.





Wordless Wednesday: first swim class edition

12 Sep



Trip wrap up

6 Jun

Really, there isn’t much more to say. The babies love. Visiting my mom and we are happy to be home.



Like herding cats

3 Jun

One time I posted a picture of my mom and the babies to my Facebook page and in the picture they were all looking a different direction. A friend of mine compared it to herding cats – she was right!

I had another herding cats picture moment tonight:


To be fair, I was kind of far from them on the front porch but I have no idea what they were all doing – when we all know they should’ve been focused on that chipmunk.

Meow. Herding cats indeed.

And yes once again I’m going to remind you to vote for Bea! it’s the last day.

Wordless Wednesday: new balls edition

23 May


Sew much fun

21 May


I have a new favorite sewing pattern, well, it’s kind of a two in one – the Charlie tunic and dress from made by Rae. It is awesome! I noticed it on Rae’s blog last week and bought the pattern.

I made one for Lucien the same day. The fabric is wax cloth J got in Gabon, it’s actually leftover fabric from a shirt he had made for himself. Lucien is freaking out that he and Daddy have matching shirts. As you can see, he loves it:


Don’t worry, I made one for Bea, too. She and Lucien called this fabric “mac & cheese,” I don’t know why but I think it’s hilarious:


They’ve both asked me to make more and since Bea is a super dress girl, I’ve got a couple fabrics picked out for dresses for her. I haven’t been this excited about a pattern in a long time. Really, I think I’m mostly excited because I can finally make something for Lucien – I think he sometimes feels left out that I can sew dresses for Bea and not him. At any rate, he’s picked out the fabric for his next shirt so expect more pictures soon – here’s a hint, it’s more Gabonese wax cloth and it’s awesome.

Lotion babies

16 Apr


One of the things my husband and I learned, quickly, is that we have to lotion the babies all the time. All the time or they get ashy.

I guess they thought we weren’t doing a good enough job on their faces…

So, this happened the other day. We’ve gotten into a routine where Lucien wakes up from his nap first and comes downstairs to annoy cuddle until Bea wakes up. Then he usually goes to get her because it’s “helpful.” I should’ve known better when it got really quiet.

When they finally came downstairs, looking quite sheepish, I honestly didn’t know if I should laugh or yell at them for getting lotion all over the place upstairs. I think what kept them from getting yelled at, honestly, are two things:
1. They looked so goofy I couldn’t really keep a straight face if I wanted to.
2. I think they were expecting to get yelled at and they were badly working sad eyes, which was even funnier.

And really, they were the ones being punished as the lotion they got into smelled liked old lady. So I did what any good parent would do and took about a million pictures.

(edited to add: it looks like Bea is lotion free in this picture, don’t be fooled. She had plenty on her too)

New (to us) park

20 Mar



We took the babies to a different park the other day. They loved the big slide!

This park also had something rare:


Metal playground equipment! When did everything at the playground turn plastic? I realize it’s a safety issue, but metal! At the park! Really, no idea why my husband and I were so excited by that but we were.

Spring break!

8 Mar

My husband has been on spring break all week. We had planned on going to visit his mom for a few days, but we all got colds! We’ve been mostly taking drives in the afternoon just to get out of the house.

Yesterday was so nice out that we went to the park.


Apparently we weren’t the only ones who had that plan as the park was packed full of little kids. This isn’t normally a big deal except that Bea was in a shy mood…then she trip and fell, and well, she was done. You can see in the picture below that she wasn’t having it, and it was taken before she fell.


We also decided that since we were mostly home bound that we’d start potty training the babies. It isn’t fun, at all. We’ve had one accident on the floor, and a couple of poops in underpants (from the same baby). We’ve also had business done in the actual toilet and in the potty – from both thank goodness.

Bea doesn’t like sharing her biz with us, and man can she hold out. But, on the bright side, she’s been really liking her rewards for doing it where she should. These rewards have been letting her pick nail polish at the store (hot pink, pink glitter, purple glitter, and neon purple). I’ve also been letting her dress herself as seen below, there’s been some fun clothing combinations.



And in case you’re wondering, Lucien got some rewards too. He got some train toys, which he has been trying to sleep with…

Any potty training advice for us?